It has to be said that the bread pudding at Tartine is rather yummy. It is not as good as my mum's bread & butter pudding, but then not many people can compete with my mummy's cooking, because...well, because she is my mum.
So to counteract the buttery, creamy deliciousness of Tartine's baked goods, I needed to take to the dance floor last night. For a change, I thought I'd try out Savannah Jazz Club. It was 'so-so'. Well, actually, there were a lot more negative points than positive, unfortunately...
To begin with, I thought that $10 was a rather steep cover charge for a night out dancing in a small bar. Fair enough, there is a live band and it is a pretty nice bar, but considering there are so many fun dance nights, both with and without live bands, that are free, it seemed a bit extortionate, especially given that the music was not particularly exciting.
Don't.Get.Me.Started.On.The.Food. Oh my goodness. Do the kitchen at SJC not realise that this is San Francisco ie. Foodie City? How they can have the nerve to serve up such substandard food (at expensive prices) is beyond me. Upon arrival of the 'New Orleans Creole Swing' (Creole rice with New Orleans cajun sauce, sausage, chicken, and shrimp ) priced at $15.95, I had no other option but to tell the staff how disgusting it was and send it back. At least I didn't encounter any arguments to my disapproval. But really, wow. I find it despicable that anywhere could send food like this out to a customer. Tut, tut, Savannah, do I need to call Gordon Ramsey?
The dance floor was crowded, and unfortunately there was not much floor-craft being practised. It was also very hot, with only a couple of fans, which didn't seem to be doing much to help with the air flow.
Now, I can appreciate that my review is starting to sound quite negative, but it really wasn't so awful, and I had many enjoyable dances, it's just that these are all little factors which contribute to my feelings about whether to return or not.
When the band had finished and the dance floor had pretty much cleared, a little later in the evening, I was enjoying tripping the light fantastic, when a couple interrupted my dance because they wanted to 'practise a routine' in the corner being occupied by me and my lead. Now, apart from the fact that it was rude to interrupt us mid-dance, the rest of the dance floor was EMPTY, so why they needed us to move, rather than just practise in a different corner, I don't know. Maybe it was because there was a fan near to where we were. Maybe it's because they don't realise that it is a public dance event that we have all paid money to attend, rather than a dance studio where they can practise their silly little dance. Either way, it was a dick move.
So, all in all, if you want to check this place out on a Wednesday night, I would recommend going with someone you enjoy dancing with (as I did), eat before you go, and wear something light and airy. In fact, if you decide to go, I would recommend going to Le Colonial instead.
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